Uses of Class

Packages that use Mention

Uses of Mention in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.alignment

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.alignment with parameters of type Mention
 int DefaultEMAligner.getOverlap(Mention a, Mention b)

Uses of Mention in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders that return types with arguments of type Mention
 ChainSolution<Mention> BestLinkDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Takes the mentions in the specified document and produces a collection of coreference equivalence classes.
 ChainSolution<Mention> CorefKeyDecoder.decode(Doc doc)
          Extract the entities from a document and encode the parts that are accepted by any optional filters into a ChainSolution representing those entities.

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders with parameters of type Mention
private  boolean CorefKeyDecoder.doAccept(Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Determine whether filter(s) accept the mentions.

Method parameters in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders with type arguments of type Mention
protected  void CorefKeyDecoder.oneFilterEntity(ChainSolution<Mention> sol, Entity ent)
          Adds the mentions of the provided entity that are accepted by the (first) filter as a chain in the solution.
protected  void CorefKeyDecoder.twoFilterEntity(ChainSolution<Mention> sol, Entity ent)
          Links every pair of mentions of the provided entity that are accepted by the filter(s).
protected  void CorefKeyDecoder.zeroFilterEntity(ChainSolution<Mention> sol, Entity ent)
          Adds the mentions in the provided entity as a chain in the solution.

Uses of Mention in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors with parameters of type Mention
protected  boolean CExExClosestPosAllNeg.equiv(Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Determines whether the mentions are the same according to entity ID.

Uses of Mention in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features that return types with arguments of type Mention
protected static java.util.List<Mention> LearnedFeatures.getPreMentionsOf(Mention m, MFilter filter)
          Returns a list of mentions appearing before the head of m.

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features with parameters of type Mention
static boolean DistanceFeatures.compatible(Doc d, Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Determines whether two mentions are compatible.
static java.util.Set<java.lang.String> StringTools.getCapitalizedWords(Mention m, boolean useHead)
          Gets the set of capitalized words.
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.getEType(Mention m)
          Determines the entity type of the mention m.
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.getEType(Mention m, boolean useCache)
          Determines the entity type of the mention m.
static char GenderFeatures.getGender(Mention m, boolean useWN)
          Determines the gender of a mention.
static char GenderFeatures.getGender(Mention m, boolean useWN, boolean useCache)
          Determines the gender of a mention.
static char GenderFeatures.getGenderForCompatible(Mention m)
          Gets the gender of a mention.
static java.lang.String StringTools.getLCText(Mention m, boolean useHead)
          Gets the lowercased text of a mention.
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.getNameEType(Mention m)
          Determines the entity type of a mention, assuming that the mention is a proper name (ACE mention type "NAM").
static char GenderFeatures.getNameGender(Mention m)
          Determines the gender of a mention, assuming it is a proper name.
static char GenderFeatures.getNameGenderCitiesFirst(Mention m)
          Gets the gender of the mention, prioritizing cities over names (resolving cases where a name could either be a city or a person).
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.getNominalEType(Mention m)
          Determines the Entity Type of a mention, assuming that the mention is a common name phrase (ACE mention type "NOM").
static char GenderFeatures.getNominalGender(Mention m, boolean useWN)
          Determines the gender of a mention, assuming it is a nominal.
static char NumberFeatures.getNumberStrong(Mention m, boolean useDicts)
          Determines the number (singular or plural) of a mention.
protected static java.util.List<Mention> LearnedFeatures.getPreMentionsOf(Mention m, MFilter filter)
          Returns a list of mentions appearing before the head of m.
static java.lang.String EntityTypeFeatures.getPronounEType(Mention m)
          Determine the entity type of the mention, assuming it is a pronoun.
static java.lang.String StringTools.getText(Mention m, boolean useHead, boolean lowercase)
          Gets the text of a mention.
static boolean StringSimilarityFeatures.prenominalModifierWordMatchAnotherOrHeadWord(Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Determines whether a noun preceding the head of m1 matches a noun preceding or in the head of m2 No assumptions are made about the textual order of m1 and m2.

Uses of Mention in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.filters

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.filters with parameters of type Mention
 boolean TypeMFilter.accept(Mention m)
          Determines whether m should be accepted by this filter.
abstract  boolean MFilter.accept(Mention m)
          Determines whether a mention should be accepted by the filter.

Uses of Mention in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Mention
protected  java.util.List<Mention> DocLoader.getPredMents(Doc doc)
          Predict mentions using predicted mention decoder, sets mention types predicted by mention type classifier, and sets entity types using the entity type feature.

Uses of Mention in

Fields in with type parameters of type Mention
private  java.util.Set<Mention> Mention.m_corefMents
private  java.util.List<Mention> Entity.m_mentions
private  java.util.List<Mention> Entity.m_sortedMentions

Methods in that return Mention
 Mention Entity.getMention(int i)
          Gets the specified mention.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Mention
 java.util.Set<Mention> Mention.getCorefMents()
          Gets the set of mentions known (or believed) to be coreferential with this mention.
 java.util.List<Mention> Entity.getMentions()
          Gets a reference to the list of mentions.
 java.util.List<Mention> Entity.getSortedMentions()
          Gets a reference to the list of mentions sorted in their natural order defined by their compare function.

Methods in with parameters of type Mention
 void Mention.addCorefMent(Mention m)
          Adds a mention to the set of mentions coreferential with this.
 void Mention.addCorefMentsOf(Mention m)
          Adds all the mentions known (or believed) to be coreferential with m to the set of mentions coreferential with this.
 void Entity.addMention(Mention m)
          Adds a mention to the entity.
 int a, Mention b)
          Compares mentions by specificity in descending order.
protected  int MentionSpecificityComparator.compareBySpecificity(Mention a, Mention b)
          Determines which mention is more specific, in ascending order.
 int Mention.compareTo(Mention m)
          Compare first by extent, then by head.
protected  boolean MentionSpecificityComparator.moreSpecificSameType(Mention a, Mention b)
          Determines whether a is more specific than b, given that they have the same mention type.
protected  boolean MentionSpecificityComparator.moreSpecificType(Mention a, Mention b)
          Determines whether a's mention type is strictly more specific than b's.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Mention
Entity(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String subtype, java.lang.String specificity, java.util.List<Mention> mentions, java.util.List<Chunk> names)
          Creates an entity with the specified mentions.

Uses of Mention in

Fields in with type parameters of type Mention
private  java.util.Map<Mention,Mention> DocBase.m_bestMentionMap
private  java.util.Map<Mention,Mention> DocBase.m_bestMentionMap
private  java.util.Map<Pair<Mention,Mention>,CExample> DocBase.m_cExMap
private  java.util.Map<Pair<Mention,Mention>,CExample> DocBase.m_cExMap
private  ChainSolution<Mention> DocBase.m_corefChains
private  Aligner<Mention> DocBase.m_defaultAligner
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.util.Set<Mention>> DocBase.m_extentStartWordNumMentionMap
private  java.util.Map<Mention,GExample> DocBase.m_gExMap
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.util.Set<Mention>> DocBase.m_headStartWordNumMentionMap
private  java.util.Map<Mention,java.util.Set<Mention>> DocBase.m_mentionsContaining
private  java.util.Map<Mention,java.util.Set<Mention>> DocBase.m_mentionsContaining
private  java.util.List<java.util.List<Mention>> DocBase.m_mentsInSents
private  java.util.List<Mention> DocBase.m_predMentions
private  java.util.Map<Mention,Mention> DocBase.m_predToTrueMention
private  java.util.Map<Mention,Mention> DocBase.m_predToTrueMention
private  java.util.Map<Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer>,Pair<java.util.List<Mention>,java.util.List<Mention>>> DocBase.m_sentenceMentionsPair
private  java.util.Map<Pair<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer>,Pair<java.util.List<Mention>,java.util.List<Mention>>> DocBase.m_sentenceMentionsPair
private  java.util.List<Mention> DocBase.m_trueMentions

Methods in that return Mention
 Mention DocBase.getBestMentionFor(Mention m)
 Mention Doc.getBestMentionFor(Mention m)
          Gets the canonical mention of the entity containing m.
 Mention DocBase.getMention(int n)
 Mention DocBase.getPredMention(int n)
 Mention DocBase.getTrueMention(int n)
 Mention DocBase.getTrueMentionFor(Mention pred)
 Mention Doc.getTrueMentionFor(Mention pred)
          Gets the true mention aligned with the specified mention.
protected  Mention DocXMLBase.processEntityMention(org.w3c.dom.Element node, java.lang.String entityID, java.lang.String entityType, java.lang.String subtype, java.lang.String specificity)
          Process an mentionType_mention tag.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Mention
 ChainSolution<Mention> DocBase.getCorefChains()
 ChainSolution<Mention> Doc.getCorefChains()
          Gets the partition of mentions into coreferential sets.
 java.util.List<Mention> DocBase.getMentions()
 java.util.List<Mention> Doc.getMentions()
          Gets the mentions of the document, sorted (typically in document order).
 java.util.Set<Mention> DocBase.getMentionsContainedIn(Mention m)
 java.util.Set<Mention> Doc.getMentionsContainedIn(Mention m)
          Gets the set of mentions whose head is entirely contained within a specified mention's extent, including the specified mention itself.
 java.util.Set<Mention> DocBase.getMentionsContaining(Mention m)
 java.util.Set<Mention> Doc.getMentionsContaining(Mention m)
          Gets the set of mentions whose extents entirely contain a specified mention's extent, including the specified mention itself.
 java.util.List<Mention> DocBase.getMentionsInSent(int sentNum)
 java.util.List<Mention> Doc.getMentionsInSent(int sentNum)
          Gets a list of the mentions in a specified sentence in order.
 Pair<java.util.List<Mention>,java.util.List<Mention>> DocBase.getMentionsInSentences(int s1, int s2)
 Pair<java.util.List<Mention>,java.util.List<Mention>> DocBase.getMentionsInSentences(int s1, int s2)
 Pair<java.util.List<Mention>,java.util.List<Mention>> Doc.getMentionsInSentences(int s1, int s2)
          Gets a pair of lists of mentions, one for each of the two specified sentences.
 Pair<java.util.List<Mention>,java.util.List<Mention>> Doc.getMentionsInSentences(int s1, int s2)
          Gets a pair of lists of mentions, one for each of the two specified sentences.
 java.util.Set<Mention> DocBase.getMentionsWithExtentStartingAt(int startWord)
 java.util.Set<Mention> Doc.getMentionsWithExtentStartingAt(int startWord)
          Returns the set of mentions whose extents start at the specified word number, or an empty set if none are found.
 java.util.Set<Mention> DocBase.getMentionsWithHeadStartingAt(int startWord)
 java.util.Set<Mention> Doc.getMentionsWithHeadStartingAt(int startWord)
          Returns the set of mentions whose heads start at the specified word number, or an empty set if none are found.
 java.util.List<Mention> DocBase.getPredMentions()
 java.util.List<Mention> Doc.getPredMentions()
          Gets a sorted list of predicted mentions.
 java.util.List<Mention> DocBase.getTrueMentions()
 java.util.List<Mention> Doc.getTrueMentions()
          Gets a sorted list of true mentions.
protected  java.util.Map<Mention,Mention> DocBase.makeBestMentionMap()
protected  java.util.Map<Mention,Mention> DocBase.makeBestMentionMap()

Methods in with parameters of type Mention
protected  void DocBase.addTrueMention(Mention m)
 Mention DocBase.getBestMentionFor(Mention m)
 Mention Doc.getBestMentionFor(Mention m)
          Gets the canonical mention of the entity containing m.
 CExample DocBase.getCExampleFor(Mention m1, Mention m2)
 CExample Doc.getCExampleFor(Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Returns the unique CExample for the given pair of mentions in the given order.
 Entity DocBase.getEntityFor(Mention m)
          Currently implemented slowly.
 Entity Doc.getEntityFor(Mention m)
          Gets the entity containing m.
 Entity DocBase.getEntityFor(Mention m, boolean usePred)
          Currently implemented slowly.
 Entity Doc.getEntityFor(Mention m, boolean usePred)
          Gets the entity containing m.
protected  Entity DocBase.getEntityFor(Mention m, java.util.List<Entity> entities)
          Currently implemented slowly.
 GExample DocBase.getGExampleFor(Mention m)
 GExample Doc.getGExampleFor(Mention m)
          Returns the unique GExample for the given pair of mentions in the given order.
 java.util.Set<Mention> DocBase.getMentionsContainedIn(Mention m)
 java.util.Set<Mention> Doc.getMentionsContainedIn(Mention m)
          Gets the set of mentions whose head is entirely contained within a specified mention's extent, including the specified mention itself.
 java.util.Set<Mention> DocBase.getMentionsContaining(Mention m)
 java.util.Set<Mention> Doc.getMentionsContaining(Mention m)
          Gets the set of mentions whose extents entirely contain a specified mention's extent, including the specified mention itself.
 Mention DocBase.getTrueMentionFor(Mention pred)
 Mention Doc.getTrueMentionFor(Mention pred)
          Gets the true mention aligned with the specified mention.
protected  java.lang.String DocXMLBase.toXMLString(Mention m, java.lang.String linePrefix)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Mention
 void DocBase.setPredEntities(ChainSolution<Mention> sol)
 void Doc.setPredEntities(ChainSolution<Mention> sol)
          Sets the predicted entities to be those specified by sol.
 void DocBase.setPredictedMentions(java.util.Collection<Mention> ments)
 void Doc.setPredictedMentions(java.util.Collection<Mention> ments)
          Sets the predicted mentions and records a preference for using them.

Uses of Mention in

Fields in declared as Mention
 Mention IntroExample.m_m
private  Mention CExample.m_m1
private  Mention CExample.m_m2

Fields in with type parameters of type Mention
private  java.util.Set<Mention> CExample.m_c1
private  java.util.Set<Mention> CExample.m_c2

Methods in that return Mention
 Mention CExample.getM(int n)
          Gets the specified mention.
 Mention CExample.getM1()
          Gets the first mention, if available.
 Mention CExample.getM2()
          Gets the second mention, if available.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Mention
 java.util.Set<Mention> CExample.getC1()
          Gets the first set of mentions, if available.
 java.util.Set<Mention> CExample.getC2()
          Gets the second set of mentions, if available.

Constructors in with parameters of type Mention
CExample(Doc doc, Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to mentions m1 and m2 in the context of doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a cluster of mentions c1 and a mention m2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, Mention m2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a mention m2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, Mention m1, Mention m2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
GExample(Mention m)
          Constructs a gender example representing the head of the mention; subject to change.
IntroExample(Mention m)
          Constructs an IntroExample for use in determining whether a mention is the the first mention of an entity.
IntroExample(Mention m, boolean isFirst)
          Constructs an IntroExample for use in training.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Mention
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a cluster of mentions c1 and a mention m2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, Mention m2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a mention m2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, Mention m1, Mention m2)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, Mention m1, Mention m2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.
CExample(Doc doc, java.util.Set<Mention> c1, java.util.Set<Mention> c2, Mention m1, Mention m2, boolean positiveExample)
          Construct a coreference example referring to a set of mentions c1 and a set of mentions c2 in the context of a document doc.

Uses of Mention in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Mention
 java.util.List<Mention> MentionSolution.getMentions()
          Gets the items (as an unmodifiable view).

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Mention
MentionSolution(java.util.Collection<Mention> mentions)
          Constructor that takes a collection of mentions and creates a defensive copy.

Uses of Mention in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers

Fields in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers with type parameters of type Mention
private  java.util.List<Mention> EMParser.m_examples

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers that return Mention
private  Mention EMParser.getNextExample()
          Gets the current mention from the cache and prepares for the next example.
          Gets the next mention, or null if no more mentions remain.

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.parsers that return types with arguments of type Mention
private  java.util.List<Mention> EMParser.getExamples(int iD)
          Load all mentions from the current document using Doc.getMentions().

Uses of Mention in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.scorers

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.scorers that return types with arguments of type Mention
protected  java.util.List<java.util.Set<Mention>> BCubedBase.getPartition(java.util.Set<Mention> keyChain, ChainSolution<Mention> predSol)
          Partitions the key chain into a list of sets such that each set in the result contains elements that are together in a chain in the predicted solution.

Method parameters in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.scorers with type arguments of type Mention
private  double[] BCubedScorer.calcPR(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> predictions)
private  double[] BCubedScorer.calcPR(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> predictions)
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,double[]> BCubedScorer.calcPR(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> predictions, BCubedScorer.MentionTypeTranslator f)
          Computes the within-document B-Cubed precision and recall for a collection of documents.
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,double[]> BCubedScorer.calcPR(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> predictions, BCubedScorer.MentionTypeTranslator f)
          Computes the within-document B-Cubed precision and recall for a collection of documents.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,double[]> BCubedScorer.calcPRByType(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> predictions)
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,double[]> BCubedScorer.calcPRByType(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> predictions)
protected  java.util.List<java.util.Set<Mention>> BCubedBase.getPartition(java.util.Set<Mention> keyChain, ChainSolution<Mention> predSol)
          Partitions the key chain into a list of sets such that each set in the result contains elements that are together in a chain in the predicted solution.
protected  java.util.List<java.util.Set<Mention>> BCubedBase.getPartition(java.util.Set<Mention> keyChain, ChainSolution<Mention> predSol)
          Partitions the key chain into a list of sets such that each set in the result contains elements that are together in a chain in the predicted solution.
 double BCubedBase.getPrecision(ChainSolution<Mention> key, ChainSolution<Mention> pred)
          Computes the B-Cubed precision for a chain solution.
 double BCubedBase.getPrecision(ChainSolution<Mention> key, ChainSolution<Mention> pred)
          Computes the B-Cubed precision for a chain solution.
 double BCubedScorer.getPrecision(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the within-document B-Cubed precision for a collection of documents.
 double BCubedScorer.getPrecision(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the within-document B-Cubed precision for a collection of documents.
abstract  double BCubedBase.getPrecision(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed precision for a collection of documents.
abstract  double BCubedBase.getPrecision(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed precision for a collection of documents.
abstract  double BCubedUniformPerMentionBase.getPrecision(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed precision for a collection of documents.
abstract  double BCubedUniformPerMentionBase.getPrecision(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed precision for a collection of documents.
 double BCubedBase.getRecall(ChainSolution<Mention> key, ChainSolution<Mention> pred)
          Computes the B-Cubed recall for a chain solution.
 double BCubedBase.getRecall(ChainSolution<Mention> key, ChainSolution<Mention> pred)
          Computes the B-Cubed recall for a chain solution.
 double BCubedScorer.getRecall(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the within-document B-Cubed recall for a collection of documents.
 double BCubedScorer.getRecall(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the within-document B-Cubed recall for a collection of documents.
abstract  double BCubedBase.getRecall(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed recall for a collection of documents.
abstract  double BCubedBase.getRecall(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed recall for a collection of documents.
abstract  double BCubedUniformPerMentionBase.getRecall(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed recall for a collection of documents.
abstract  double BCubedUniformPerMentionBase.getRecall(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed recall for a collection of documents.
 Score BCubedBase.getScore(ChainSolution<Mention> key, ChainSolution<Mention> pred)
          Computes the B-Cubed F-Score for a chain solution.
 Score BCubedBase.getScore(ChainSolution<Mention> key, ChainSolution<Mention> pred)
          Computes the B-Cubed F-Score for a chain solution.
 Score BCubedScorer.getScore(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the within-document B-Cubed F-Score for a collection of documents.
 Score BCubedScorer.getScore(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the within-document B-Cubed F-Score for a collection of documents.
abstract  Score BCubedBase.getScore(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed F-Score for a collection of documents.
abstract  Score BCubedBase.getScore(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed F-Score for a collection of documents.
abstract  Score BCubedUniformPerMentionBase.getScore(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed F-Score for a collection of documents.
abstract  Score BCubedUniformPerMentionBase.getScore(java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> keys, java.util.List<ChainSolution<Mention>> preds)
          Computes the B-Cubed F-Score for a collection of documents.
protected  boolean BCubedBase.haveSameMembers(ChainSolution<Mention> sol1, ChainSolution<Mention> sol2)
          Determines whether the specified solutions have exactly the same set of mentions.
protected  boolean BCubedBase.haveSameMembers(ChainSolution<Mention> sol1, ChainSolution<Mention> sol2)
          Determines whether the specified solutions have exactly the same set of mentions.