Uses of Class

Packages that use MFilter

Uses of MFilter in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders

Fields in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders declared as MFilter
private  MFilter CorefKeyDecoder.m_m2Filter
          This filter should be m_mFilter if only one filter needed.
private  MFilter CorefKeyDecoder.m_mFilter
          The first filter, which may be null if no filtering is desired.

Constructors in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.decoders with parameters of type MFilter
CorefKeyDecoder(MFilter filter)
          Constructor that accepts a single mention filter and requires that a pair of mentions both be accepted for the pair to be linked in the solution.
CorefKeyDecoder(MFilter filter, boolean bothMustAccept)
          Constructor that accepts a single mention filter
CorefKeyDecoder(MFilter filter, boolean bothMustAccept, boolean allMents)
          Constructor that accepts a single mention filter
CorefKeyDecoder(MFilter m1Filter, MFilter m2Filter)
          Constructs a decoder that accepts two filters.
CorefKeyDecoder(MFilter m1Filter, MFilter m2Filter, boolean allMents)
          Constructs a decoder that accepts two filters.

Uses of MFilter in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors

Fields in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors declared as MFilter
private  MFilter CExampleExtractorBasic.m_m2Filter
private  MFilter CExampleExtractorBasic.m_mFilter

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors with parameters of type MFilter
protected  void CExampleExtractorBasic.setMFilter(MFilter mFilter)
          Sets the mention filter.
protected  void CExampleExtractorBasic.setMFilters(MFilter m1Filter, MFilter m2Filter)
          Sets both filters, and specify that each must accept its mention for an example to be accepted.

Constructors in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.exampleExtractors with parameters of type MFilter
CExampleExtractorBasic(CFilter cFilter, MFilter mFilter, boolean bBothMentions)
          Constructs a coreference example extractor with a CExample filter and a Mention filter.
CExampleExtractorBasic(CFilter cFilter, MFilter m1Filter, MFilter m2Filter)
          Constructs a coreference example extractor with a CExample filter and two Mention filters.
CExExtractorUntilTrue(CFilter cFilter, MFilter mFilter, boolean bBothMentions, boolean training)
CExExtractorUntilTrue(CFilter cFilter, MFilter m1Filter, MFilter m2Filter, boolean training)
          The order of the MFilters matters here.

Uses of MFilter in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features

Methods in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.features with parameters of type MFilter
protected static java.util.List<Mention> LearnedFeatures.getPreMentionsOf(Mention m, MFilter filter)
          Returns a list of mentions appearing before the head of m.

Uses of MFilter in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.filters

Subclasses of MFilter in edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp.lbj.coref.filters
 class TypeMFilter
          Filters EntityMentions by type